Sister Emilienne, who is responsible for the aftercare of the children living in the orphan village of Ineza, informed us of the emergency situation of one of the children, a boy of 14 years old. He lived with his deaf-mute mother in a miserable rented house, which they had to leave at short notice. His Dutch sponsor parents were eager to help and set up a campaign, together with friends and the Friends of Sisters in Rwanda foundation.
In a short period of time they raised enough money to buy a house and a piece of land around it to grow crops.
Sister Emilienne started looking for a suitable home and found it very quickly. The house was renovated with the help of a local construction worker; several students from the technical school, of which Sister Emilienne is director, took care of the furnishing. With this they earned their school fees and made mother and son very happy with beautiful furniture and good beds!
This beautiful project was realized in a very short time; mother and son have been living in their new home since mid-April and are very happy!