P001 Nursery and primary school Indatwa

The sisters consider good education based on biblical principles to be the spearhead of their mission. They want to give children the opportunity to develop while getting personal attention, which is usually very difficult in state schools due to the large number of children per class.

We’ve seen that the school meets the need, as many parents want their children to go to school with the sisters!


From orphan village to nursery school

In 2017 the sisters started a kindergarten on the site of the former orphan village. Nowadays, there are about 150 children active every day. It is wonderful that the houses of the orphan village are now populated with children again.

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Nursery school
Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is image-86.png
Nursery class

… to primary school
Soon after the start of the nursery school, the questions raises to start a primary school, which meant that the children could continue staying at school with the sisters. Plans were developed, a fundraising campaign was started, land was purchased and … there was construction! In January 2020, the children could move on from nursery school to first class and February 8th, the school was officially opened!

The building was opened in 2020, but once again the need for expansion became apparent. With the help of a large donation, a second school building could be built with room for 600 children. This building was opened in September 2022.
Unfortunately… Due to the sharply increased prices of all materials, the kitchen could not be completed. This means that school meals are prepared in an improvised kitchen. Contributions are still needed to complete the kitchen and purchase gas appliances!

Primary school
Physical education primary school

At the end of March, the children received their first ‘report’ in the presence of their parents. It was a big party, in which the parents were amazed at what the children had already learned in such a short time. They even sang English and French songs.

Primary school first grade

Well-trained teachers have been recruited and several sisters are working as class assistants. Sister Emerthe, the headmistress, would love to welcome Dutch youngsters as interns!

Indatwa school fully in operation!

The Indatwa school accommodates around 550 children every day! The sisters are very happy with the expansion, there is now enough space for all the children in the classrooms and in the dining room!

June 2024

To the great joy of the sisters and the cooks of Indatwa School, the kitchen could be completed! Thanks to a generous donation, it was possible to make this happen. Cooking is now done on gas, which is much more pleasant for the cooks compared to cooking with wood. Moreover, it is better for the environment – and for the eyes, as the smoke produced when cooking with wood is very burdensome.

We are very grateful that the school now has a spacious, efficient kitchen!

Interview by Sr. Emerthe with the cook in the new kitchen.

Project manager

In January 2025, Sr Emilienne Muhawenimana took over as director of the nursery and primary school from Sr Emerthe Kankundiye, who will go to the sisters in America for a 10-month internship in February.



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