P007 Support to poor families

The challenge

There is still a lot of poverty in Rwanda. About 60% of the population lives from € 1,00 a day. People regularly come to the sisters for help. Usually this involves food, clothing or money for medical care.


In times of famine, families can knock on the door of the deaconesses for an extra meal or other things that are urgently needed.

Housing project

Children from the orphan village who have been reunited with their families or taken in by adoptive parents often join families whose houses are in poor condition. The deaconesses help with refurbishing the house or buying a new one. For the orphans who no longer have a family and are able to live independently, houses are built.

Sister Emilienne interviewed the young women Kobwa, for whom a house could also be bought.


Because of the overpopulation the land in Rwanda is scarce and a lot of money is asked for a plot of land to build a house. That is why the deaconesses prefer to look for an existing house for sale. A lot of money is needed for this, usually around € 4,000 per house. It turns out to be a better solution. For this project, donations are very welcome!

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Project manager

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Sister Emilienne Muhawenimana


5 years

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