Construction of water pipe

Water, clean water is vital.

The water supply on the sisters’ property requires a lot of attention, especially now that there are two school buildings. Fortunately, enough rain falls during the rainy season, which is collected in reservoirs and used for toilets, cleaning, gardening, etc. Additional rainwater cisterns could be installed in 2024.

During the dry periods, the water source that was tapped close to a river did not provide enough water, so a solution had to be sought.

The sisters discovered a disused pump not far from their property. After receiving permission from the local authorities, this pump was repaired and water flows in abundance! So much so that the farmlands cultivated by people in the area can enjoy it!

Thanks to donations from Holland and Germany, this project could be realized, for which the sisters are of course very grateful!

Because all systems require regular maintenance, donations continue to be welcome. If you are willing to help, please indicate so on the donation page.

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